Asus on Thursday unveiled its dual-screen laptop series in India which comprises the ZenBook Pro Duo (UX581) and the ZenBook Duo (UX481) at a starting price Rs. 2,09,990 and Rs. 89,990, respectively. The company refreshed its ZenBook lineup with Intel 10th Gen Core processors - the ZenBook 13 (UX334), ZenBook 14 (UX434), and ZenBook 15 (UX534), for Rs. 84,990, Rs. 84,990 and Rs. 1,24,990, respectively. Asus also launched the VivoBook S431 for Rs. 54,990 and VivoBook S532 for Rs. 69,990. With the ZenBook Pro Duo and ZenBook Duo, the company says it has paved way to a new form factor for laptops and come equipped with both a keyboard and a secondary touchscreen for input. "The need for the industry to evolve with the changing times necessitates innovation. As one amongst the industry incumbents, we realised it was both an opportunity and responsibility for us to push the envelope, disrupt the status quo, and come up with a magnificent offering," Arnold Su, Head of Cons...
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